Registry Key Access Denied Windows 7 [SOLVED]

Steps to Unlock the Registry key using Regedit

1. Run RegEdit as Administrator.

2. Right click the key in the left hand pane & select Permissions from the context menu.

3. In the permissions dialog, click the Advanced button.

4. In the advanced security settings dialog switch to the Owner tab.

5. Select Administrators……..tick the ‘Replace owner on subcontainers and objects’ box & click Apply.

6. Now switch to Permissions tab.

7. Click Add and add Administrators  to the Permission entries and allow full control. (Give Yes if any other window pops up)

8. Tick ‘Replace all child objects permissions with inheritable permissions from this object’ & click OK.

9. You are now back at the Permissions dialog box.

10. Now in the Security tab add Administrators to the Group or user names & Allow Full Control & click OK.

Now you have Full Access to the Registry Key……………


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