Need For Speed Most Wanted Custom Resolution & Camera Hack
Need for Speed: Most wanted does not have native widescreen support. But by using this hack you could play NFS: Most Wanted on all displays like 1280×960 1400×1050 1600×1200 as well as on widescreen displays like 1440×900 1600×900 1680×1050 1920×1080 1920×1200….etc
Just download this hack nfsmwres.rar and extract it to your game folder. Now run the nfsrmw.exe
change your resolution to just about anything (including widescreen). If you are having trouble with vesion 1.2 update nfsmw to 1.5
Also included is a camera hack nfsmwcamhack.rar . With this you can change your camera view to get a driver view of the game……draw back the camera to see both your car and mirror….etc
1) Run Trainer/Hack (and always leave running or it will not work)
2) Edit options if needed (check Controls)
3) Start NFSMW then press * (suggesting defaults) to enable new cameras
4) Change your view using the normal change view key and press any number
from 0-9 on your keyboard (1 is normal by default)
5) You can press / (numpad divide) to disable new cameras and return to
6)For further doubts see Readme.txt
Enjoy Gaming 24×7…………………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing happens.
Whats the name of the exe file that this patch is targeting?
Just extract all the contents to NFS Most Wanted folder. This will only work with Need For Speed™ Most Wanted v1.2, v1.3, and Demo!
If it fails to run then you might need the Visual Basic 6 runtimes
available from Microsoft.
Simple and useful tutorial. Although, I didn’t really want the camera hack – the resolution utility is invaluable though. Thanks!